Giveaway! Michael Pollan's New Book and More...

This giveaway is closed.  Thank you!
Two Fabulous Books for the Taking!
1st Place
Food Rules: An Eater's Manual 
I am delighted to give away Michael Pollan's latest book.  Pollan, (bestselling author of The Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense of Food) starts Food Rules with seven words of wisdom: Eat food.  Not too much.  Mostly plants.  He then embelishes this manifesto with 64 rules for eating wisely.

I like Rule #19, "If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don't."  Since publication the book has sparked controversy, as some people question the simplicity of Pollan's rules.  For example, adhering to Rule #12 (Shop the peripheries of the supermarket and stay out of the middle.) exludes many healthful foods such as whole grain pasta and dried fruit from your shopping cart.  Although I love this book (I am in total awe of Pollan's writing career and nutrition influence), I feel that his numerous "do not's" and "avoids" may overshadow other important food factors such as flavor, taste, and enjoyment.  For other perspectives check out Pollan's article on The Huffington Post or Nutrition Unplugged "Some Rules Are Meant to be Broken."
This book is hot!  Enter to win, and read it for yourself!
2nd place 
More Vegetables, Please!
I have a friend from a dieting website company who recieves lots of free books for promotions.  He passed on this book, and I'm excited to give it to you!
This veggie-friendly cookbook provides delicious answers for those who struggle to incorporate green crunchies into family meals, or for those who simply need some novel veggie-licious recipes.  Seasonal eating tips, kid-friendly variations, and health notes scatter the margins of every page.  Plus a vegetable glossery kindly explains the difference between leafy greens, stems and stalks, and roots and tubers.  Published 2009.  Enjoy!

*Note: I am not being paid by any publisher to market these books.*
To Enter 
  1. Please comment on this post by answering one of the following questions: What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book (fiction, nonfiction, cookbook, picturebook)?  Please leave an email contact too.
  2. Follow me on Twitter and tweet @CoconutCrumbs Food Rules book giveaway.  Please link your tweet back to this post.
Each method will count as a separate entry, doubling your chances to win.   The deadline to enter is midnight (Eastern Standard Time) on Monday, January 25th.  I'll use to pick two winners, and announce them next week Tuesday, January 26th!  Good luck : )
This giveaway is closed.  Thank you!


Heidi Juan said...

The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove by Christopher Moore

Denny, Alaska said...

I'm currently ready "The Water's Edge," by Karin Fossum, a Norwegian mystery writer. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.


hbokor said...

I am currently reading "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Furhman. I have done his Six Week Plan before, but never actually read the entire book. It follows the same rule as mentioned above.....veggies and fruit at the key! If you have not read this book, there is soooooo much interesting information in it. I am going to do his Six Week Plan again and then stick with the suggestions after it. Check it out. Thanks for this giveaway. Great reads I am sure.

heidibokor @ yahoo . com

Mollie said...

Currently Reading:
Julie and Julia by Julie Powell

Just finished: Suite Francaise by Irene Nemerovsky (

Favorite book ever? That one's too hard!

I'd love a new cookbook!

(and I'm following you on Twitter @eatrunread)

krazykreiner said...

Harry Potter- All of them are my favorites

Anonymous said...

currently reading a book called Crazy love!

5webs said...

I am currently reading Going Gray by Anne Kreamer (which I have read before, and loved), and my favorite book on the planet is Closing Time by Joe Queenan.
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

I follow you on Twitter(5webs) and I Tweeted this giveaway
Alicia Webster

A said...

My favorite book is 1984.

A said...


eatingRD said...

those look like some great books! I'm currently trying to find time to read 'eat, pray, love' I love that book!

eatingRD said...

I'm following you and tweeted, thanks!!

Barbara Palermo said...

I am currently reading Breaking Dawn, Stephenie Meyer.

Anonymous said...

My favorite book is the cookbook "Clean Food" by Terry Walters. mmlvt10 at

janeh said...

right now, I'm reading "Lies my Mother Never Told Me", by Kaylie Jones

Tee M. said...

I just finished reading "The Help" - an excellent book!

Anonymous said...

I am currently reading The Help
diane Baum

slb3334 said...

I am currently reading The Chamber by John Grisham.

Jessica said...

I'm currently reading a really cheesy romance novel. I'm addicted!
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I follow through twitter and tweeted
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

mverno said...


alivaux said...

You have quite the following, friend!! I am currently reading War of the Worlds because Jesse wanted me to :-p My favorite book is anything in the Harry Potter series...I could read those over and over and...wait, I already have! :-) Miss youuuu! Love, me.

spike said...

I'm currently reading "After the Falls" by Catherine Gildiner - a very touching memoir.

demmi said...

I am currently reading his father's son

Colengal said...

If you really want to read an influential foodie book, give Barbara Kingsolver's "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" a read. A wonderfully written book that educates and entertains without the preaching.

Anonymous said...

I love the book Gregor the Overlander, its a teen read but I read it to my 5th graders and fell in love with the series.

Renee G said...

I just started reading Ian Rankin's Exit Music.


Lisa said...

Food Rules, the eaters manual, is a MUST read!


Jeffery Thorp said...

Hey Rachel,
I just recieved my copy of "The Complete Tassajara Cookbook": Recipes, Techniques, and Reflections from the Famed Zen Kitchen by Edward Espe Brown.

Emily said...

I'm currently reading "Stranger in a Strange Land", which is getting pretty engrossing!


Emily said...


Internal Peace said...

I'm reading "The Perfect Mile" about the first 3 runners to run a sub 4 minute mile.

Nicole C. said...

Right now, I am reading Moloka'i by Alan Brennert.


Joseph said...

hello rachel! I'm currently reading "Letters to Children" by C.S. Lewis.

and, tweeted!

(and, my previous blog post was triggered by an email i sent that was misinterpreted as sounding sexist, and i thought that was very funny, so then i did it on purpose. i don't know if that makes sense. hopefully nobody is offended i don't mean to actually insult anyone!)

Deborah said...

I am currently reading "The Year of The Flood" by Margaret Atwood. asthenight at gmail dot com

Deborah said...

Tweet: asthenight at gmail dot com

Victoria said...

I'm currently reading Always Looking Up by Michael J. Fox. I highly recommend it! utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com

Melissa said...

I am currently reading True Confections by Katharine Weber.

melissamcnicol {at} yahoo {d0t}com

Jenn said...

I am currently reading only French workbooks....trying to improve my French skills! Would LOVE to read Pollan's newest book, I have heard so much about it!
jenncuisine at gmail

Jenn said...

And I just tweeted too!

Nickolay said...

I am currently reading "The Dome" by Stephen King


h. mcnaron said...

just finished Maupin's The Razor's Edge. Pretty good, but don't watch the film version.

h. mcnaron said...

tweeted @creep4ward!

Jason said...

I am currently reading The Book of Joe by Jonathan Tropper and also In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan

Cynthya said...

I'm reading Wolf Hall: A Novel by Hilary Mantel. I'm fascinated by the Tudor time period so I'm enjoying it very much so far.

Aileen said...

I'm reading Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer. Love it so far!

aileenmcgrath at hotmail dot com

clc408 said...

I am currently reading The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown.

Jenn said...

I'm actually reading Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma right now. It's depressing, but a must read.

Jenn said...

following you, and tweet:

Emily (A Nutritionist Eats) said...

What a great give-away! I have been wanting that book! I'm currently reading a book called Sweet Revenge, it is a murder mystery/catering novel!

Britterz7 said...

I'm reading Born To Run

Tammy said...


Anonymous said...

I just picked up MINDLESS EATING and plan to start reading it tonight.

Happy Little Bento said...

My favorite book is Joy Luck Club; and I am already following you Rachel!

Emily said...

I'm reading Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon!

Derk Thomas said...

Currently reading cook this not that.

Kristy Thiel said...

I am currently reading the bobby flay cookbook with burgers, fries and shakes! YUM!

Great contest - thanks for hosting!!

yellowlabs said...

I am currently reading "Saving CeeCee Honeycutt", a ficton novel.

yellowlabs said...


Shannon said...

I'm currently reading Food, Inc. incredible and eye opening read!


Shannon said...

I follow you on twitter via @luv_mydachshund

and tweeted


chromiumman said...

the moon is a harsh mistress by robert heinlein

chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com

ladyspy79 said...

Reading THE LIGHTNING THIEF by Rick Riordan!


Kim at Rustic Garden Bistro said...

Ooh... what a sneaky way to get tips for your next literary adventurs! ;-)

I'm currently reading "The Elements of Cooking" my Michael Ruhlman. My favorite book of all time is The Great Gatsby.

Your give-away is on my "to read" queue!


rusticgardenbistro [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I am readint Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovitch. The Stephanie Plun series is one of my favorites. Thanks.


EllieB said...

Right now I am reading Dean Kontz Face. vanillayo @

EllieB said...

Twitter follower and twitted.

vanillayo @

/\Heather/\ said...

Currently reading eat, pray, love. Not enjoying. Fave book would probably have to be Pride and Prejudice. It's amazing!

/\Heather/\ said...

I follow on twitter and tweeted -

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway...My favorite book is "The Razor’s Edge" by
W. Somerset Maugham.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Brian E. said...

Following via Twitter: @brianpiero


senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Sand said...

I just started The 8th Confession.

atreau at gmail dot com.

Unknown said...

Currently my favorite cookbook is Giada's Family Dinners. I am trying to cook as many as her recipes as I can.
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow on Twitter @ Tweeted
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Jinxy and Me said...

I am currently reading "Julie and Julia" and I don't like it much. I SHOULD have read Julia Child's "My Life in France" instead. I LOVE Michael Pollan's book "The Omnivore's Dilemma". I recommend it to everyone!

Jinxy and Me said...


lilyk said...

My favorite book is The Catcher in the Rye.

cman said...

Campbell's 3 cookbooks in one.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your explanation. There really useful information.

Post a Comment

Disclaimer. I am not a Registered Dietitian yet. I provide nutrition information intended for the general public, not for the treatment of a specific medical condition. I try to use scientific research and reliable sources when forming my opinions and messages.
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